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Signs That You Need a Window Regulator Repair in San Diego, CA


Every new vehicle on the road today has power window regulators that create a force to move a window in a vehicle from its current position to another. With it, you can lower or raise any door window by just pushing a button. But what happens when these power window regulators become faulty?

Some people may prefer to get a window regulator repair in San Diego, CA. Others may just work with an auto glass replacement for a brand new one. Besides, it is more convenient than the traditional manual windows that require you to manually crank the windows up and down.

However, some signs will help you know when the window regulator assembly is damaged or starting to wear out. Let's find out more so that we can know when to get an All-Star Auto Glass replacement or repair.

#1. Window Speed is Slower or Faster

When you click on your window button and the window rolls slower or faster than normal, then it's safe to say that you might be facing a window motor issue. Every power window control is designed and adjusted to flow at a particular speed rate to ensure that the window does not break as it is being rolled up or down. So, if the motor fails or if there is an electrical issue with the regulator assembly, you will notice that the window begins to roll up faster or slower.

#2. Takes Multiple Clicks To Roll The Window

It is normal for your window to roll up or down when you click a switch or press a button. In fact, some vehicles, have a function that automatically activates the window regulator without the need to press or pull up a button. But if you notice that it takes several clicks or presses of the window button to activate the window motor, it is a sign that there is an issue at hand.

At this point, you may need to get an All-Star Auto Glass replacement or hire a mechanic to do the job.

#3. Power Window is Crooked or Bent

When a window is rolled up, it should lock into position, but when it falls down by itself, it is a sign that the window regulator is broken. Sometimes, it also happens when one side of the window is bent. When this happens, it calls for a major window regulator replacement.


Power window regulators are very convenient for you and your vehicle, so when something goes wrong, it's no surprise that you need the help of a window regulator repair in San Diego, CA. You need to make the necessary fix or replacements to avoid additional damage.

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